Denmark’s Open Call for Registration

As legislators race to implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws, Denmark is progressing to the finish line with its latest implementation of packaging EPR, an alert that registrations are now open from the 1st of April 2024 to the 31st of August 2024. The designated Denmark authority, Dansk Producent Ansvar (DPA)¹, has issued the call to action, requiring all obligated parties in and outside of Denmark to register before the 31st of August and be aware that as of the 1st of January 2025 there will be a variety of requirements and guidelines that entities must adhere to.


Denmark’s latest packaging EPR addition will integrate with the current extensive national EPR framework for electronic equipment, batteries, electric vehicles, fishing gear and single-use plastics. As a member of the European Union (EU), Denmark is required to transpose EU Directives into national law, this packaging EPR is the national adaptation of the EU Packaging Directive² and amends the current Environment Protection Act (EPA). The legislation’s second phase is set to enter into force from the 1st of January 2025 and similarly to the EU regulatory mechanisms, the packaging EPR will include reporting and registration requirements that will include requirements for financing schemes, collection, and recycling targets. As the administrative process continues, the DPA expect the legislation to include provisions regarding allocation, security deposit, annual fees and supplementary EPR components¹.


Between the 1st of April 2024 and the 31st of August 2024 all producers or entities that are the first to place packaging on the Danish market have the opportunity to not only register but can get a head start on their reporting requirements by submitting their expected quantities of packaging for 2024. All entities are required to register either individually through the DPA and their various entities or through a collective scheme that will register and fulfil obligations on behalf of the entity. The reporting requirements are detailed in Denmark’s Executive Order on Certain Requirements for Packaging³ but the broader definition of the packaging in scope includes, all primary, secondary, and tertiary packaging and packaged products, including disposable products that are not covered by the current Deposit Return System (DRS) and fall within the following categories: paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, ferrous materials, aluminium, food and beverage containers and wood. Unlike several countries, the new packaging EPR framework will extend beyond household packaging to commercial or non-household packaging. The reporting requirements will continue annually, with detailed instructions

on the quantities, categories and how to report them varying depending on an 8 tonnes packaging threshold.

With Denmark entering its final stages of the implementation of packaging EPR there is an optimistic attitude that this will contribute towards the country’s and the EU’s global strive for a more sustainable future and circular economy.


The rapid rate at which EPR regulations are evolving can be frustrating for businesses that seek to make sense of how they might be affected by a potential law. Ecoveritas has and will continue to keep track of and interpret EPR regulations, along with other environmental law impacting packaging, textiles, electricals, batteries, and wider sectors.

Our exclusive Global EPR Matrix offers a unique insight into EPR laws that should educate you about your business’s obligations.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and access a FREE sample of the Global EPR Matrix. Please speak to one of our advisors today on +44(0)1865502176 or email us at

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